Showing 11 Result(s)

Grade II-listed family home in Holland Park

Completed this family home. A smart, early Victorian, handsome townhouse project in Holland Park, London. It’s simple and effective, a classic Ivy Ngeow design in wit and style. #womeninarchitecture #listedbuilding #architecture #interiordesign #gradeii #london #design #culturesandcommunities #blogger #remodelling #professionalwomen #author #completedproject

Site news The practice blog

Museum of Architecture Gingerbread City on 2018 New Year’s Eve

Museum of Architecture is a charity that helps the public engage with architecture and architects. It also supports architects to be more entrepreneurial, collaborative and informed on design for places and people through cultural projects like The Gingerbread City Masterplan – Imagining Cities of the Future. Cities should be inclusive, sustainable, healthy and easy to …

Site news The practice blog

5 Top Tips on How to Recover from Christmas Spending

It’s beginning to cost a lot like Christmas. Caveat 1: Add up your receipts. Aim for 10% less than this amount next year. Caveat 2:  This “How to Survive Christmas” leaflet makes me smile. I feel fed up in December (expensive, extensive, exhausting, manic, hoodie-wearing, hopeless, cold, grey, no money, no work, no exercise, irritated, fat, unfit). And now …