Showing 18 Result(s)
Projects The practice blog

FUTURE STATE Pop-Up Shop and Retail Cube

This is a cute pop-up shop made of pallets, upcycled and repurposed softwood offcuts, storage crates, ply and cling film and other packaging paraphernalia, for the young and hipster South-east Asian boutique. (Sandwiches not included). The attraction of these “temporary structures” are due to the following reasons: modern, innovative, budget-friendly, eco-friendly, transportable, modular, retail solutions.

The practice blog

IKEA Hack: Hollywood style lighting up vanity makeup mirror easy DIY project

As an interior designer, I find DIY challenges even more challenging than a layperson, as I strongly adhere to repurposing, upcycling, reusing and recycling principles in my practice and my designs. At home and professionally, I would say I am gung ho with a can-do attitude, girl-with-a-gun, all-round practical person. I find pragmatism cathartic. I am problem-solving by …

Site news The practice blog

University Challenge: Five universities have doubled their borrowings

University Challenge. Five universities have doubled their borrowings in the last academic year. Southampton, UCL, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt and Imperial (the last being the biggest borrower with GBP470M loans). Traditionally South East Asian and Far Eastern campuses (and more recently Middle Eastern) help fund home campuses. The University of Sheffield has a South East Asian Office …

Site news The practice blog

Museum of Architecture Gingerbread City on 2018 New Year’s Eve

Museum of Architecture is a charity that helps the public engage with architecture and architects. It also supports architects to be more entrepreneurial, collaborative and informed on design for places and people through cultural projects like The Gingerbread City Masterplan – Imagining Cities of the Future. Cities should be inclusive, sustainable, healthy and easy to …